Harry Potter times three equals a long fucking sitdown.
Hello there.
Just beacuse we, (my girlfriend and i), have been watching the three latest harrypotter movies, that´s 3, 4 and 5, i got so inspired to write in english.
It´s a fine language english and with it´s pronounciation it has a tendence to be the most sofisticated language in the world.. On the other hand, cockney is the most charming dialect in the world, at least i think so. Or maby english with an indian accent. :D Tank yoo pliis komm agan!
Well enough of that. Harry potter movies are the best sunday-cure there ever was. Sundays have com to be the most boring times of our lifes, and due to that you will always searcg for a better thing to do than...anything actually.
So Harry potter is a good alternative for long and boring and...rainy...sundays. Just as it is today.
We are just finished with watching the 4th movie in the Harry potter series and we just confered about watching he fifth one, but after a long consideration of about 16 seconds, we concluded that we wouldnt have time to watch the hole movie before bngolotto. Yeees i know, we play bingolotto.
Well, now i don´t have time for you anymore.
Yours sincierly, Mr potatohead.
You are veeery annoying!!! jävla bajs språk :p
Hell yeah!!!! :D